Accepted an invitation to perform at the Morgan County Fairgrounds as part of the MoCo Extravaganza. I'll be in the 2-4 time slot with my band (Tyler Clark, John Mohr, Shania Huffman, and Braden Israel). Honestly, I don't know any information about it, other than the local band "Slated Moon" will be performing there as well. Thanks to Thaddeus Fields, who asked me to be a part of the event. I will find out more information and do my best to keep you updated. And, don't forget to pick up a copy of my latest album "Live @ The Smiling Goat" at the show! Here's the website with the needed information: http://outdoor-ext.com/, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Morgan-County-Outdoor-Extravaganza/171411382880549?fref=ts
http://stevespires.com, https://www.facebook.com/steve.spires.7, https://www.facebook.com/SteveSpiresMusicPage,